CFI Year End 2023

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” Helen Keller


As I mentally prepare to turn the calendar from 2023 to 2024 I instinctively get into a reflective mood. I sit back, sip my coffee, and let my mind wander. Memories wash over my brain… some happy, some sad, some kind of “meh”, and some, quite honestly don’t have a category at the moment.  Much has happened over the past 12 months so I have a feeling this flood of memories will last for quite some time.

Specifically, the memories related to Christian Flights International are a mixture of happy, sad, challenging, and uncertainty.


All you have to do is open a web browser, type “Haiti news,” and you’ll read something negative. Something about political instability, kidnappings and murder, extreme weather events, poverty, etc. so I won’t dwell on those here. Suffice it to say, things are rough for our friends in Haiti. 


If you’ve been following along with us in 2023, then you’ve read about our friends grieving the loss of family members, clinic break ins, food and medicine shortages, the cholera epidemic, the ongoing battle with Voodoo, etc. You’ve read about gang activity, usually reserved for the larger cities of Port au Prince and Cap Haitian, spreading into Ranquitte. Our friends in Ranquitte faced many challenges this year. 


There were challenges faced here, both organizationally and personally. None bigger than not being able to travel consistently to visit our friends, to show our support for their efforts, and to share the blessings of short-term missions with long term effects to our fellow Americans. 


When searching the Scriptures to sum up these challenges, I was led to Paul’s letter to the Romans. In Romans 12:12 he is in the middle of encouraging the Romans and he tells them to “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” 


So, in spite of these challenges, both in Haiti and here in the United States, there were times of great joy, maybe a little patience, and much prayer as we looked to confront and overcome the obstacles set before us. 


2023 presented moments of happiness in that our first “post-Covid” team was able to travel to Ranquitte in February. Due to the unstable political situation in Haiti we were only able to send one three-person team, led by Dr. Greg McMorrow. We pray that in 2024 things will settle down so that we can send more teams.


Our new and improved website is up and running, thanks to the work of Volunteer Kaity Waitlauf and Board Member Jay Gillund! If you haven’t visited, you should check it out (! While you’re there, click around a bit to see what we’ve been up to and consider making a donation to help our friends in Haiti! 

The seeds program had another successful year.  Thanks to your generous donations and the leadership of Georges Derval, our “Green Thumbed Haitian,” dozens of local farmers received seeds to plant corn and beans. The goal of this program is for them to not only feed their families and have some left over to sell in the market, but also to be able to hold some seeds back for the next year’s planting season. Collectively we are helping to develop the economy of Ranquitte and provide some financial security for the citizens. 


The medical efforts have been expanded and continue to successfully serve the region of over 20,000. In spite of the immense danger posed by threats of violence Drs. Hashmide and Lycender, the nurses, and the rest of the staff at the Bendawest Clinic kept going to work and the doors remained open to serve folks in and around Ranquitte. Not only did they keep showing up, but they also doubled their efforts to open a cholera clinic right in the teeth of the outbreak. They even fulfilled dreams to expand the clinic into the old school building so that they could serve the folks BETER! In case you missed it, check out this video that shows some of that expansion! Improving medical care is one of our three pillars and we are pleased with the developments this year. 


Our prayer ministry also increased in 2024. Did you know that our Executive Director, Shannon Conforti, has regular prayer sessions with our Haitian Board of directors? She also randomly selects a handful of donors each week and then sends these names to our board for us to pray over? If you have received one of these emails letting you know that you’re being prayed for then you know! If not, check your inbox and that could be you sometime soon! Prayer with and for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ is a vital part of our ministry!


So, where are we headed in 2024? We don’t quite know yet… But we do know who holds our 2024 and that if we are on His side, if we are following Him then I am confident that we’re in the right place. Remembering what David wrote in Psalm 16: “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”


One final word: There is still time to send us one final donation for 2023. Join in our efforts to offer medical care, economic development, and the Gospel to the folks in Ranquitte by making a tax deductible donation. Visit the website to make that donation today or mail a check to Christian Flights International 404 Koa Ct. Berea, KY 40403.  


I pray blessings for you and yours in 2024! 


Kevin Conforti

President, Christian Flights International

Matthew 25:40


2023 Financial Report


Cholera Update